Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Current pics of my boys.

Finals next week

So I don't know how I survived this semester but I did. Thursday is the last day of class and Friday we have some testing to do over Pharm class. I have finals Mon thru Wed of next week. I really need to study for them. I can't believe how hard it is to study with Aidan around. Part of it is that I just want to enjoy him and not have to worry about school. Another part is that he just doesn't like to be ignored. I found a babysitter for him for when I need to go to class or study but now I'm kind of freaking out about leaving him with someone that's not family. I know it has to be done. Especially, since my summer classes start at the end of May and they are everyday for 3 weeks.

So I know I'm biased but isn't he just the cutest?


Thursday, January 1, 2009

A little about me...

Hello, my name is Kazmin. I'm 33 years old. I have two boys. My oldest is 9 years old and his name is Andrew. The youngest will be 8 weeks old tomorrow and his name is Aidan. I live with my mother and 11 year old sister. My boyfriend and I are planning on moving in together at the beginning of the summer.

I was just accepted to nursing school at UT of Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas. I will graduate at the end of next year with a bachelor's in nursing. It has been a sacrifice getting to this point since I have not worked in two years and will not be able to work for the next two years. I believe it will be worth it when I'm done, though.

Andrew has ADHD and can be a handful at times. I recognized a lot of his behavior problems in myself as well. I went and got tested and was diagnosed with ADD about 3 years ago. This explained a lot of my behavior in the past. One of them being why I couldn't concentrate on school long enough to finish. Now that I'm on medication I have been able to complete 2 years of full time classes and plan on doing two more years of nursing classes.

Well, that's it for now. Aidan just woke up so I have to attend to him.
